VUZE Medical was incorporated in 2017 in Israel and is financed privately. Milestones so far include high accuracy and speed on an anatomical model (2018) and in cadaveric surgeries (2019-2020), a first US Patent (2020, with seven more since), first European and Asian patents (2021), FDA 510(k) submission (2021), successful first-in-human surgery (late 2021), FDA 510(k) clearance for minimally-invasive thoracolumbar fixation and augmentation (2022), the completion of a highly-successful twenty-patient clinical trial (early 2023), cadaveric proofs of concept for pain therapy, sacral fusions and open surgery (mid 2023) and a second FDA 510(k) clearance including co-operability with a very broad range of 3D and 2D imaging sources from all major vendors (mid 2024).
Extensive Experience and a Strong Track Record
A veteran team brings strong domain expertise in adding computer guidance to common manual interventions. Our two prior endeavors have each become a Standard of Care in its respective field: superDimension (now Medtronic) in bronchoscopies with 1,000 installations worldwide, and SyncVision (now Philips) in coronary catheterizations with 4,000 installations worldwide.

Sigi Elazar UI & UX
Adi Akavian testing & support
Neta Stern software
Koby Zakaeim application engineering
Asaf Omer QA & RA ​
Ran Cohen CTO
Yoav Stein ​software
Rivay Mor algorithms
Sasha Steinberg algorithms
David Tolkowsky CEO
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VUZE Medical Ltd.
13 Zarhin St., Entrance A, Floor 7
Ra’anana 4366241, Israel
Copyright © 2024 VUZE Medical Ltd. All rights reserved. Proprietary. Patents granted. Patents pending. The VUZE system, VUZE software and Dynamic Online Image Registration (DOLIR) are trademarks of VUZE Medical.